I would like to assure clients that with our expertise lying in the areas of Wills and Estates (including administration and contested estate litigation), Proceeds of Crime Litigation and others, it is of the utmost importance to us that we at BMA House Lawyers are always standing by your side – ALWAYS LOYAL to you until the very end of your legal journey with us.
Our reputation for our ALWAYS LOYAL approach is undeniable – see what our clients say about us. I value and keep such testimonials at my heart; they have been written by people who have entrusted their lives, monies, and properties into my hands.
I have been practising law in New South Wales and Queensland non-stop, full-time for almost twenty years and, borrowing the words (with his permission!) of learned Lindsay Ellison SC – whose barrister’s expertise I admire and value a lot – I do not wish for a ‘work and life balance’. If I may say so and I do, there is no such balance. It is a wishful thinking for many a lawyer.
Looking back in 2005, I reflect on how Lindsay and I managed to turn a drawn-out, ‘considered hopeless by many’ estate matter into a success. It was unforgettable times when the then Supreme Court Probate Registrar Paul Studdert, a great probate lawyer, was manually settling and sealing ‘Citations to See Proceedings’ Lindsay’ letter. Since that time, I hold Paul’s personal copy of his famous ‘Studdert black book’ on Probate law, his valuable gift to me.
Other than classical music, the latter not being a hobby but a passion, oftentimes difficult to control – I neither play any sport nor pursue any activity. I come from a family of professional piano players – naturally, my late mother had wished me to have taken a different career. To become a lawyer was a calculated choice in my early twenties. At that time, ever so slightly stretching the comparison, I fully understood why Salieri poisoned Mozart (the alleged event occurring in the late 1790s – if you care to wonder).
For good measure, I also value a glass (or two) of quality red wine and good company. My good friend John McDermott, a prominent Macquarie Street lawyer of some forty plus years with whom I often share the red, still calls me a young lawyer. Fair enough in my sixties.
I hung my own shingle out in 2016. My great friend Geoff Underwood who practises in estate litigation from Sixth Floor Selborne Wentworth Barristers Chambers, gave me a great deal of encouragement. Soon after, my office was informally launched by my dearest friend the Honourable Justice Peter Hidden OAM – with the performance of our outstanding NSW Bar Choir led by Peter himself. My fellow choristers (‘The Hiddenites’) have forged strong bonds now for almost two decades. The choir’s vibes are such that at times we had more gigs in a year than you could poke a stick at.
My practice has a strong international flavour and a charm of variety. ‘No Man is an Island’ – and that is very true in respect of practising law. I pride myself for establishing good connections with colleagues such as Ross Fabian and Ian Raspin – both top-notched, outstanding chartered accountants; David Russell AM KC and Richard Perry KC – both prominent Silks, who I can rely on to be consulted on any burning issue of international dimensions.
My clientele, especially HNW individuals, are not only local to me in New South Wales, but scattered across the globe. Their affairs are constantly intertwined between various jurisdictions, such as the USA, Ukraine, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and many others, not to mention (now with obvious caution!) Russia and the former USSR jurisdictions.
I have served a number of years on the Board of Directors of the St Sergius Aged Care Facility in Sydney and have been an elected member of the Executive Committee of the City of Sydney Law Society.
My team and I look forward to meeting and working with you. I am but a phone call away.
Igor Kazagrandi TEP FANZCN